To prevent repeated duplicate emails from reaching your TriumphPay Audit Dashboard, you can utilize the Auto-Replies Filter which will keep a record of the emails received, but not show them within your New Queue.   

To use this feature, emails which are being received must be from the same Email Address and contain the same data within the Subject or Body of the email.

To create this filter, access Settings from the upper right-hand corner of your TriumphPay Dashboard.

From the Account Settings menu which loads, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see an option for "Auto Reply Filter".  Enter the Email Address, Subject and/or Body of the email which you no longer would like to receive and select "Create New Filter".

Please note, while text within the Subject and Body fields are optional, an Email Address is required.

Should you later decided to resume receiving emails from the sender, select Delete under the heading Delete Filter.

If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please contact TriumphPay Audit support.